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Win Malki Dead Sea Bath Range

Dead Sea

6 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Everyone may be going green, but Malki have never been anything else!

Un-natural preservatives such as parabens and chemical foaming agents such as sodium lauryl sulphate have slipped into our beauty products over the years. In the same time skin problems and certain cancers have increased and although the jury is still out on whether there is a direct link, there is increasing evidence to support the connection.

Malki Dead Sea bath, body and hair products do not contain parabens or sodium lauryl sulphate and have been pure and natural since the creation of Malki’s first soap over 200 years ago.

With skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema on the increase, people are seeking out natural and chemical-free products. With regular use, Malki Dead Sea products may benefit these problems and help relieve their itchy symptoms. They are also ideal for sensitive skin and scalps as they contain no synthetic fragrances or colourings and are suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

We are giving away six full sets of the Malki Dead Sea range. Each set includes 12 different gorgeous products!

All available in Boots stores nationwide

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 30/05/2013.
