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WIN! Tickets to Dreamboats and Miniskirts!

1 of 8 pairs of top price tickets

8 prizes to be won!

Ending in





The sequel to Dreamboats and Petticoats…What happened to ‘Bobby & Laura’ and ‘Norman & Sue’…?

Their story continues…inspired by the 7 smash hit multi-million selling albums of Dreamboats and Petticoats.

It’s 1963, and the world is changing. Bobby and Laura’s single “Dreamboats and Petticoats” has not taken off. Norman and Sue have settled down to non-marital bliss – and a baby! But Ray and Donna seem blissfully happy…

The advent of the Beatles and the Merseyside sound is inspirational. But will it inspire Bobby and Laura to have one more shot at stardom – Norman to “get off the drains” and find that singing voice he has longed for, and Ray to realise his ambition and manage a really top pop act!?

All will be revealed in a follow up with the same wit, charm, and great songs as “Dreamboats and Petticoats”. Many of the songs are from the next period in pop history…

“Dreamboats and Miniskirts” the album will be released in summer 2014, featuring all your favourite 60s rock ‘n’ roll hits.

UK Tour

4 August 2014 – 16 January 2015

Please see the website for tour venues and dates and to book tickets

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 11/09/2014.


1 of 8 pairs of top price tickets x8