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Win! A Weekend Stay for Two at Langley Castle and Labyrinth on DVD!

Langley Castle

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Be prepared to discover untold historical secrets as the action adventure, TV drama LABYRINTH arrives on DVD on 1 April, from Universal Pictures (UK). Based on the best-selling novel by Kate Mosse, Labyrinth stars Vanessa Kirby (The Hour), Jessica Brown Findlay (Downton Abbey), Katie McGrath (Merlin) and John Hurt, LABYRINTH follows one girl’s unexplained connection with her distant ancestor, taking her back and forth between her modern day life and a parallel existence in medieval France. Haunted by her flashbacks but driven by her curiosity to uncover generations of secrets... To mark the DVD release, Universal Pictures (UK) have teamed up with the beautiful 14th century medieval hotel Langley Castle in Northumberland to offer one lucky pair a two copy of the DVD and a two night stay with dinner in one of the best Northumberland restaurants – Josephine’s thrown in for good measure!

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 05/05/2013.
