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Win a Trip to New York Plus $500 Spending Money

New York

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





1 prize to be won

We have teamed up with Neutradol to give you the chance to win a fabulous three-night New York break PLUS spending money $500. You’ll be staying at the Salisbury Hotel, next
door to the fabulous Russian Tea Room in midtown Manhattan.

The Salisbury is perfect for visiting New York’s famous landmarks – Times Square and the Empire State Building are a short walk away, while you can splash your $500 spending money shopping on Fifth Avenue!

To keep your home odourfree, next time you’re shopping for an air freshener, why not try Neutradol and discover what makes it ‘The World’s No1 Deodorizer’? And its affects last – whether you choose Neutradol Original or Super Fresh Gel, independent tests show Neutradol keeps performing long after other fresheners. Its unique formula of over 50 ingredients actually destroys the molecules that cause bad smells.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 19/10/2012.
