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Win a BioSURE PRO Protective Nasal Spray Travel Bundle

Biosure Pro Protective Nasal Spray Travel Bundle

10 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

This Competition was run concurrently on these Competition Websites:
- Woman's Own Magazine - What's On TV - Woman's Weekly Magazine - Life Death Prizes - Celebs Now -

The winners have been drawn using all the correct entries from all of these sites.

Woman's Own Magazine (2 winners)

K Robinson, LEEDS

Biosure Pro Protective Nasal Spray Travel Bundle

D Tabberer, Stourbridge

Biosure Pro Protective Nasal Spray Travel Bundle

What's On TV (1 winner)

A Leal, St. Albans

Biosure Pro Protective Nasal Spray Travel Bundle

Woman's Weekly Magazine (2 winners)

D Lancaster, Wigan

Biosure Pro Protective Nasal Spray Travel Bundle

J Fairbairn, Feltham

Biosure Pro Protective Nasal Spray Travel Bundle

Life Death Prizes (3 winners)

M Mitchinson, Sunderland

Biosure Pro Protective Nasal Spray Travel Bundle

B Horton, West Bromwich

Biosure Pro Protective Nasal Spray Travel Bundle

J Cassell, WHITBY

Biosure Pro Protective Nasal Spray Travel Bundle

Celebs Now (2 winners)

A Turner, Bedford

Biosure Pro Protective Nasal Spray Travel Bundle


Biosure Pro Protective Nasal Spray Travel Bundle

Studies have shown that more than one in five people who travel on planes suffer from a cold or the flu after the flight. BioSURE PRO Protective Nasal Spray is proven, safe and effective for 6-hours per use – creating an invisible physical barrier that helps prevent infections caused by rotavirus A (sickness and diarrhoea), RSV (common colds), influenzas (flu) and coronaviruses including COVID-19, before they even start - and before you make your journey.

Get protected in minutes, lasts for hours. This innovative, patented nasal spray has a unique action which creates a barrier in the nasopharynx that blocks the attachment of airborne viruses.  BioSURE PRO Protective Nasal Spray coats the nasal membranes and forms a film to create an invisible, physical barrier that stops colds, flus and coronaviruses from attaching to the cells in your nose.  If the viruses can’t connect, they can’t infect.

Suitable for daily use, for all aged 12 and over, BioSURE PRO costs just £14.95. With 400 sprays per bottle, it means there is 3 months supply if used daily, which equates to under  2.5p/hour of protection and peace of mind.  BioSURE PRO is not a medicine and uses natural and food safe ingredients means it is safe for prolonged daily use, with no side effects or risk of long term dependencies.  Available online at, on Amazon and from the 760 strong Well Pharmacy group, the product is available now across the UK online and in local chemists.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 13/07/2023.


Biosure Pro Protective Nasal Spray Travel Bundle x10