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Win a £500 Clever Closet giftcard!

Win a £500 Clever Closet gift card!

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

M Nicklin, Crewe

Win a £500 Clever Closet gift card!

Described by Sarah Beeny as the ‘go-to business for storage solutions’, Clever Closet uses innovative design to create cost effective customisable storage solutions that fit seamlessly into almost any UK home. With depots and approved fitters across the country, they are able to fit their units nationwide.

Clever Closet's products are designed to provide customers with the extra storage space they need, without compromising on style or functionality. The storage units fit into spaces in the home that are currently not being utilised to their full potential - such as under the stairs, awkward alcoves or insets giving customers increased storage space in the home without taking up valuable floor space.

Clever Closet understands that every home is unique, which is exactly why their expert team offers innovative storage solutions that can be customised to almost any situation. Clever Closet works closely with you to meet your specific needs and realise your vision for your home.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 05/10/2023.


Win a £500 Clever Closet gift card! x1