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Win 12 month's supply of GO2 inhaler sticks

Win 12 month's supply of GO2 inhaler sticks

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

L Reader, Aylesbury

Win 12 month's supply of GO2 inhaler sticks

If you are one of the 52.7% of smokers in the UK who want to quit, then we have a world first for you as a must-win prize to help you achieve your goals - a 12-month supply of Curb.It from GO2.

This will be music to the ears of more than half of the current 6.9 million smokers over 16 years old who are desperate to kick the habit.  Now, thanks to the health and wellbeing brand, GO2 and the launch of the innovative Curb. It blends of 100% natural essential oils, proven to work in independent trials, we can support your quest to give up smoking for good.  It’s quick, simple and discrete to use too – simply hold it under your nose and inhale a deep breath in.

What’s the secret?  The team from GO2 has taken Tobacco Absolute, an ingredient that has been around for centuries, combined it with black pepper and created a unique blend that will ‘trick’ the limbic system in your brain to help curb the craving, reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke.  It’s already worked for 85% of smokers in the trial so what have you got to lose?
80% of smokers in the trial also said they would recommend this inhaler stick to help reduce smoking and found it easier to use than other products.

So, ditch the patch, forget the vape and pick up a handy GO2 essential oil inhaler stick and take positive steps to a happy, healthier lifestyle – cigarette free!  With no harmful chemicals being inhaled like vaping, Curb.It is a healthy way to reduce your cravings so join the 90% of smokers in the trial who said that it had already helped them reduce their smoking habits in just two weeks.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 26/12/2022.


Win 12 month's supply of GO2 inhaler sticks x1