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Win a #findyourkalmfulness kit and £150 voucher

When life is racing past you, find a moment to stop, breathe and be present.  #FindYourKalmfulness with our exclusive kalmfulness kit including a £150 Beauty &

2 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

This Competition was run concurrently on these Competition Websites:
- Woman's Own Magazine - Life Death Prizes -

The winners have been drawn using all the correct entries from all of these sites.

Woman's Own Magazine (1 winner)

S Goldsmith, DONCASTER

When life is racing past you, find a moment to stop, breathe and be present. #FindYourKalmfulness with our exclusive kalmfulness kit including a £150 voucher

Life Death Prizes (1 winner)

Z Shapcott, WEYMOUTH

When life is racing past you, find a moment to stop, breathe and be present. #FindYourKalmfulness with our exclusive kalmfulness kit including a £150 voucher

Over the last few years, some of our lives have become more anxious and stressful. We’ve braved a global pandemic only to be faced with a challenging economic situation, and the ongoing strains of 21st century living.

Taking inspiration from mindfulness, our definition of kalmfulness is about gaining a calming sense of perspective on life, allowing us to breathe freely and relax fully. Kalmfulness will mean something different to every individual but, essentially, it’s all about being kind to yourself and others. It could be as simple as a walk-in nature, a kitchen dance party, connecting with a friend, a soothing bedtime bath. Whatever helps you feel grounded or more balanced.

That’s why Kalms are offering two lucky readers the chance to each win a Beauty & Spa voucher worth £150 as well as a ‘find your kalmfulness’ kit including a Neom Wellness Pod and Essential Oil, a Papier kalmfulness journal, and sleep mask!

If you’re looking for additional help, you could also explore the use of traditional herbal remedies. With over 50 years’ experience, Kalms is dedicated to providing traditional herbal remedies used to support emotional wellbeing:

·       Kalms Day can be used to reduce stress and nervousness

·       Kalms Night One-A-Night can be used to promote restful sleep

·       Kalms Lavender can be used to alleviate mild anxiety

·       Kalms Rhodiola can be used to relieve fatigue and exhaustion

To find out more about the Kalms range and how you can practice and achieve kalmfulness, visit

Kalms Night and Kalms Night One-A-Night are traditional herbal medicinal products used for temporary relief of sleep disturbances. Kalms Day is a traditional herbal medicinal product used for the temporary relief of symptoms associated with stress. Both contain Valerian Root. Kalms Lavender One-A-Day Capsules is a traditional herbal medicinal product used for the temporary relief of the symptoms of mild anxiety such as stress and nervousness. Contains Lavender oil. Kalms Rhodiola is a traditional herbal medicinal product used for the temporary relief of symptoms associated with stress such as fatigue, exhaustion and mild anxiety. Contains Rhodiola Root. Based on traditional uses only. Always read the labels.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 24/08/2023.


When life is racing past you, find a moment to stop, breathe and be present. #FindYourKalmfulness with our exclusive kalmfulness kit including a £150 voucher x2