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Win an Indesit Push&Go Washing Machine

An Indesit Push&Go Washing Machine

2 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

S Naylor, Canterbury

An Indesit Push&Go Washing Machine

D Prince, Leeds

An Indesit Push&Go Washing Machine

The one button solution to clean laundry. 

Feel like there’s more laundry to do than minutes in the day? The Indesit Push&Go washing machine will share the load. With its innovative Push&Go programme, you can have clean laundry in just 45 minutes with the press of a button. It’s so simple the whole family can chip in with the chores.

A wide range of flexible cycle options also makes your life easier. Three Full Load Fast cycles - Mixed 40°C, a Cotton 40°C and a Cotton 60°C - will help you get the washing done in under an hour. Plus, there’s a host of dedicated cycles perfect for busy family life. From cleaning hard wearing denim and sportswear to the Rapid 30-Minute program for lightly soiled items. There's even a cycle specifically for trainers! 

This Indesit Push&Go washing machine saves you money and energy, too. The 10kg capacity means there is room for more items in a wash and fewer washes. Meanwhile, Water Balance+ technology saves you up to 50% of water by automatically adapting the amount used depending on the cycle. That means saving on waste and money on bills. Swap laundry stress for simple, speedy solutions with Indesit.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 28/11/2023.


An Indesit Push&Go Washing Machine x2