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Win a CosySpa Inflatable Hot Tub!

A CosySpa Inflatable Hot Tub

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners


A CosySpa Inflatable Hot Tub

What better way to ease yourself into the cold of winter than with a brand new CosySpa Inflatable Hot Tub? Soothe away your tensions, aches, and colds, and turn your garden into a space you can enjoy all year round. Featuring a new and improved design, these inflatable hot tubs can be assembled in 5 minutes or less and have a 42°C rapid heating system with 130x soothing and massaging air jets designed to help you unwind. For added comfort, we've upgraded the hot tub to include a head rest and drinks holder set so that you can relax in style. Not only that, we're also throwing in one of our Energy Saving Covers, an inflatable insulating cover for the hot tub that's cleaner, more efficient and means cheaper maintenance costs. 

To find out more about our CosySpa Hot Tub & Accessories range, visit:

Don't miss out! Enter now for a chance to win!

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 31/12/2021.


A CosySpa Inflatable Hot Tub x1