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To ENTER this competition for FREE either


Win £150 of delicious Nutrigums gummy vitamins

£150 gift card

5 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

This Competition was run concurrently on these Competition Websites:
- Woman's Own Magazine - Life Death Prizes - What's On TV -

The winners have been drawn using all the correct entries from all of these sites.

Woman's Own Magazine (2 winners)

M Stefania, Sleaford

£150 gift card

M Parkinson, Wakefield

£150 gift card

Life Death Prizes (2 winners)

N Currie, Barnsley

£150 gift card

D Preston, Morecambe

£150 gift card

What's On TV (1 winner)

R Bryant, Cardiff

£150 gift card

Nutrigums is offering the chance for five lucky people to win £150 worth of delicious gummy vitamins from the extensive Nutrigums range. The winners will be free to choose from over 20 different plant-based gummy vitamin and mineral supplements developed to provide customers with delicious tasting and affordable everyday use offering a wide range of health benefits to help make you the healthiest version of yourself. Got something you’re working on? The new Nutrigums bundles are hand-picked by their experienced team to give you a boost in life, whether it be for beauty, bedtime, diet or many other areas.

Nutrigums best-selling Magnesium Citrate and Vitamin C gummies contain Magnesium, an essential electrolyte in the body which helps to keep your cells hydrated and functioning properly. It also contributes towards normal muscle function and protein synthesis. When combined with vitamin C, magnesium contributes towards energy production and a reduction in tiredness and fatigue, helping to keep you energised as well as bones and teeth, where it provides one of the main mineral structures.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 22/05/2023.


£150 gift card x5